LAND MOBILE - Microphones - UPK-20XTC


Speaker Microphone with Integral GPS Unit  


Key Features  


Built-in GPS Module with integral Lithium Battery

Event-Controlled GPS Auto-Reporting for FleetSync & NEXEDGE. PTT, Emergency, Status Messaging and Timed Reporting

Manual "Send GPS" Key

Dispatcher-Controlled Auto-Polling and Manual GPS Requests

NMEA 0183 Format, L1 Band, 1Hz Updating Cycle

Positioning Start-Up Times - Cold/Warm/Hot = 40/38/8 seconds at room temperature

Includes Noise-Cancelling Microphone Element

Programmed via radio software

Compatible with Kenwood KAS-10 AVL/Messaging software

With Kenwood 2-Pin connector for non-systems analogue portables TK-2170/3170 and TK-2360/3360.


Item Number: UPK-20XTC
Price: $250.00
Not Available to Order